Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
If you understand geology, you know that the earthquakes serve an important function. Beneath the earth’s surface, a constant buildup of pressure occurs, and as it continues to build, some adjustments must be made, both below and on the surface of the earth. The earth consists of plates and these plates must constantly adjust to […]
Search engine optimisation has often been described as a black art, deception or trickery. Some people doubt it works and it suffers the same reputation now as alternative medicines, chiropractors etc. endured a few years ago. Whenever anyone builds a web site they have a strong desire to achieve something. For some the call to […]
After reading the article “How To Establish Which Galleries To Approach,” you should have a fairly good idea of how to determine which galleries are appropriate for your work. Once you’ve narrowed your target list down to those galleries that you feel relate to your work, and would be a good fit for you both […]
One of the most difficult aspects of being an artist doesn’t take place behind the studio walls. It is an unpleasant, sometimes degrading aspect of your career: promotion. Nevertheless, as an artist, you need to develop a method to promote your work and still maintain your integrity. To minimize the unpleasantness of this particular responsibility, […]
Although the Color Schemer has been designed primarily for web and graphic designers, I have found it very useful in my own artwork. The Color Schemer can help artists create harmonious color schemes easily and quickly.
Almost everyone has experienced loss in one form or another at some point in their lives. After the tragedy on September 11th, most of us don’t have to look very far to find someone who has been touched by loss. For artists, learning how to recognize and cope with loss will help them in understanding […]
If you’ve ever considered going into print, there’s never been a better time. Recent statistics show the art market retail spending is on the upward march, with increasingly affluent and (hopefully) taste-conscious buyers looking to buy original and limited edition reproduction works. Until recently however, most “enthusiastic amateurs” will have been put off by the […]
There are many times when an artist is asked to compose an artist statement. Sometimes, it is in response to a specific inquiry by a gallery or collector, sometimes in response to a particular grant proposal or in conjunction with a curatorial statement or exhibition. Other times, artists just feel the need to explain their […]
The Internet has become an unavoidable fact of life. Over just the last few years we have seen radical changes in the way this new technology is changing the way we live, think and shop. Although many artists, collectors and galleries continue to have fears and concerns, even their reluctance is slowly beginning to erode […]
Visual artists are constantly worrying about what the standard artist/gallery relationship should consist of. Feeling insecure about how to handle these negotiations are natural…artists are not business people and are often ill-equipped as well as inexperienced at handling their own business affairs. Following is a set of guidelines that I recommend artists use when considering […]