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The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Scandinavian Graphic Design Earth, water and air are dominant themes in Scaninavian contemporary graphic design, which is brilliantly explored in North by North, a lavishly illustrated new title from visual culture specialty publisher Die-Gestalten Verlag.
by Maggie Kinser Saiki Author Biography Maggie Kinser Saiki spent 15 years in Japan writing about Japanese design, business and traditional rural culture and industry. She has published several books, including: YMD: Ancient Arts, Contemporary Designs; Architecture and Society: John Ciardullo Associates; and Japanese Working for a Better World. Her work has also appeared in […]
What am I doing? Why am I doing it? And where did it come from? A personal view by PIERRE Gold Funeral Mask, Mycenae, National Museum Athens, c. 1200–1000 b.c. Metals have been found in a natural state since prehistoric times. It was the discovery of the processes of metallurgy, the treating and smelting of […]
Diplomatic Agreement The news is not in the newspapers 1992 – 1997 1991-1997 Should art glorify—and be accessible to—ordinary people? UK-based artist Piers Midwinter firmly says yes. “Anyone is capable of producing a pure work of art—but to do so, they must stay true to themselves. And what is the self? It is where each […]
Artists have been making marks for millennia, using natural pigments, burnt twigs, their fingers, coloured sands etc. Around 1662, a deposit of natural Graphite was discovered near Keswick, Cumberland, and this was used by masons to mark stones, and farmers to keep tallies of sheep. It took around 200 years to work out that this […]
In this article a case is made for the consideration of Twentieth Century art as a scientific analysis of the work of art. The avant-gardes develop an analysis of the work of art in order to determine the essence of art. The variety of styles that the three main trends generate, are a consequence of […]
THE FOUNDATIONS OF TWENTIETH CENTURY ART: 1.- THE ORIGIN OF THE AVANT-GARDS In order to understand Twentieth Century Art today, it is necessary to consider two issues: the subject who develops it and the definition of art. Regarding the creative works, we can consider the subject of that time in two aspects: firstly, because of […]
If you understand geology, you know that the earthquakes serve an important function. Beneath the earth’s surface, a constant buildup of pressure occurs, and as it continues to build, some adjustments must be made, both below and on the surface of the earth. The earth consists of plates and these plates must constantly adjust to […]
Search engine optimisation has often been described as a black art, deception or trickery. Some people doubt it works and it suffers the same reputation now as alternative medicines, chiropractors etc. endured a few years ago. Whenever anyone builds a web site they have a strong desire to achieve something. For some the call to […]
After reading the article “How To Establish Which Galleries To Approach,” you should have a fairly good idea of how to determine which galleries are appropriate for your work. Once you’ve narrowed your target list down to those galleries that you feel relate to your work, and would be a good fit for you both […]