Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Through the homestay tutor program offered by homestaybooking.com, artists can now offer art courses to travelers visiting their home. This is a great opportunity to further the cultural exchange with a sharing of styles of personal expression. The artists offering their homes as homestay accommodations can expand on their own practice, and create a more profound connection with their visitors through a sharing of their skills. Art is a universal language that we all speak, and, therefore can be of great use when trying to find common ground with someone who is quite different.
For the travelling artist, homestaybooking.com offers a large variety of host family accommodation worldwide. Homestays have been found to be an immense source of inspiration for artists in search of new material or just a place to get away from it all. Living in a new area, and first-hand witnessing the way another culture goes about their daily routine allows the artist to see things from a new perspective. This fresh, different perspective can be exactly the remedy to those artists experiencing “writer’s block” or just in search of some inspiration. All in all, the experience of living in a new setting has been shown to have a highly positive outlook on the creative mind.